GREENFIELD — The Nodaway Valley School Board passed the approval of a construction manager contract with Boyd Jones Construction, from Omaha, and acted on several other items during their regular June meeting last Thursday.
Nodaway Valley has evaluated and reviewed their different facilities on the last year and has weighed various needs they have. They anticipate a large-scale facilities project will come in the near future, though many conversations with various stakeholders will be a part of the process before any big decisions are made.
Superintendent Paul Croghan informed the board last week that he had talked with Boyd Jones about their fee schedule and got questions the district had about them answered.
Boyd Jones prides itself on staying on task in terms of budget and accommodating a school district’s needs in that way, Croghan said.
“They drew the circle on their paper Friday that said that this is the big pot of money and this is our slice, the architect’s slice, the project slice, and everything’s gotta stay in that circle,” Croghan said. “Anything we change we will have to sign off on. On anything, we’ll have to ask does it fit into our budget.”
There will be limitations on any projects the district takes on because of how Croghan feels the district needs to be fiscally responsible. Croghan gave an example, saying he had explained to Boyd Jones that NVS wants “functional” architecture instead of “frills.”
“They pride themselves on keeping things very detailed in their cost analysis to keep things under budget or at budget,” Croghan said. “This is just the construction manager contract. We’ll do the same for an architect’s contract.”
In other business
In other action, the school board accepted the resignations of Michael Dale, middle school principal and activities director; Ryan Miller, middle/high School counselor; Piper Hoffman, elementary counselor; and Terri Raasch, cook, who will switch to a full-time para position.
The board approved hires for Gerald Miller, middle school principal/activities director; Brittany Martin, middle/high school counselor; Nathan Block, sixth grade instructor; Stacey Olson, elementary special ed. instructor; Ryanne McIntosh, elementary counselor; and Amy DeVault, junior high basketball caoch.
The board approved the Iowa LGRP National Gas Premium for 2020-21; approved the employee handbook for the upcoming school year; tabled approval of the student handbook until the next meeting; approved a myPerspective English curriculum for secondary students in the amount of $8,078; and approved Inspire Science curriculum for secondary students costing $11,781.