GFWC/Iowa Progressive Chautauqua Study Club
The installation of 2020-2021 officers for Creston Progressive Chautauqua was conducted by telephone by President Carolyn Biere May 12, the previously scheduled date for the breakfast and installation of officers.
As she installed each officer, she gave a year-end report of the club accomplishments that led to increased knowledge and opportunity for fun and socializing. The oath of office was given, reciting the responsibilities of each office, with each officer answering “I will.”
Officers installed were Pauline McCoy, treasurer; Linda Huffman, secretary; and Jerrie Henderson, president. Committee chair positions will be filled.
The opening meeting for the 2020-2021 club year is planned for 1:30 p.m. Sept. 22, the fourth Tuesday, as written in the standing rules. The new officers will be hostesses of this opening tea.
The location of the meeting will be in the activity room at Crest Ridge Estates. The opening meeting, however, is all dependent on the level of health precautions concerning COVID-19.
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GFWC Federated Women
The Federated Women’s club is undergoing a potential transition. Robert’s “rules of order” is updated every 10 years by “a learned committee.” In-person meetings and elections have not been approved as yet. Necessary procedures were issued per GFWC’s “news and notes.” As noted in the April 28 minutes, the nomination committee had “designated the new officers per established schedule.” The membership of the club was contacted by President Carolyn Biere, receiving approval from the 4-Life and 11 active members. In anticipation of updates from the state and district officers, there will be communication of expectations for the coming year.
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Creston VFW Post No. 1797
VFW post No. 1797 met June 9 at the Elks in Creston. Nineteen members and guests were present for dinner. Commander O’Daniels called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 16 members present.
The post draped the charter for veterans Ed Harvey, Richard Clayton, James Fitch, Garland “Bud” Connor, James Loudon and Lawrence Myers.
Service officers reported 72 community service hours, Honor Guard 32 hours for a total of 104 hours. The members also traveled 400 miles for veterans. Minutes and QM reports were read and approved.
In old business, the first call for new officers was held in March. The state VFW is selling 100th anniversary challenge coins for $10 each. Proceeds will go to centennial fund.
In new business, a motion was made and approved to sustain all officers from the 2019/20 for year 2020/21.
On May 23, Poppy Day was held in Creston and a big “thank you” goes to all members who helped out and to a generous public for all their contributions.
Those who were signed up for Honor Flights to fly in May now have the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. in August if they wish.
Flag Day is June 14 and a flag raising ceremony at the Elks is scheduled for 6 p.m.
Commander O’Daniels reported that the Veteran’s office in Creston will move across the hall to better serve clients starting July. A “thank you” goes to Johnnie Camacho for making 30 masks for VFW members.
In state news, the VFW convention was held June 6 for one day only due to the COVID-19 meeting regulations of no more than 50 attendees. The Fall 2020 state Pow-Wow will be held at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines Oct. 22 though 25. It is planned to have an event at Three Mile Lake near Afton for July 2021 to help celebrate the VFW’s 100th anniversary.
The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for July 14 at the Elks including dinner at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. meeting to follow.
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Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary
The Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met June 10 for cards and chatter. The canasta winners were Mary Kline, first; Joy Seeley, second; and Sandy Krauth, third. The winner of the door prize was Sandy Krauth. The next meeting will be June 17, and the hostess will be Mary Jane Narigon.