March 02, 2025

Stuva, honored as Cinch team captain, to compete at national barrel competition

All spring Junior High Rodeos, including state finals — nine rodeos total — were canceled due to COVID-19. This has especially been a disappointment to Carli Stuva, who has been practicing all spring to improve her roping skills so she could make a run for the Junior High All Around Cowgirl. She was only behind the first place position by 30 points, and with a chance of getting 100 points a weekend and 200 points at finals, and her family believes it's likely she would have accomplished this goal. She finished the year as the Reserve All Around Cowgirl, which is no small feat.

Stuva stepped out of her comfort zone last fall and decided to be the roper and not the runner like years past in the Ribbon Roping event. Her and her partner, Carter Liston of Grundy Center, finished the year in seventh place. She also changed her horse for breakaway at the last rodeo last fall where she caught both of her calves that weekend. Unfortunately, it was not enough to get her in the top four. She finished the year in sixth place.

This winter, Stuva worked at getting her goat horse sound and healthy. After almost a year off, she was going out this spring ready to make up some ground. Stuva completed on her calf roping horse last fall. Carter was new to the goat tying event, but he helped Stuva earn a spot to nationals. They ended the Iowa season at third. This will be Stuva’s first time competing in goat tying at that level with hopes that event will not be canceled as well.

Stuva and her horse Scooby finished the year off as the Champion Barrel Racers and Reserve Champion Pole Benders for the state of Iowa. They also will be competing at nationals this summer.

Stuva has also achieved the 2019/2020 National Cinch Team. The Cinch Rodeo Team includes top competitors from each event in each state. This student must be in good standing academically, be a returning classman, have placed in the top eight at the State Finals Rodeo and have a positive status among the NHSRA. As a National Sponsor of NHSRA, Stuva has received the honor of being the Cinch team captain this year.