September 17, 2024

Still at one

Union County holds at one confirmed case of COVID-19

Union County still stands at one confirmed case of COVID-19.

Union County Emergency Management Director Jo Duckworth updated the supervisors on the county’s response to COVID-19.

“I think we’re doing very well here,” she said. “We just need to keep pushing the social distancing .. try to wear a mask of some sort and limit your trips.”

Duckworth said a fourth shipment of personal protective equipment arrived and was distributed. Not everything that was ordered arrived, she said. Some substitutions were available, such as coveralls instead of gowns and face shields instead of safety goggles.

Healthcare organizations are beginning to understand the process of ordering only what they need for seven to 10 days and to take into account their current inventory, Duckworth said.

“The kinks are being worked out of the system,” she said.

Duckworth said the county still needs fabric and volunteers who are willing to make face masks and gowns. Volunteers and donors can contact her at 641-782-1622.

She also said volunteers may be needed to deliver food or medicines to residents who are at risk due to age or underlying conditions. In addition, she recommended that residents check on any elderly neighbors to make sure they have food and supplies.

The food pantries in Union County have not indicated that they need emergency help from the supervisors at this point, however, the board will continue to monitor that situation.

Duckworth, Southern Iowa Council of Governments and other organizations are keeping an eye out for possible federal grants available to the county for emergency relief. Duckworth said the county will be receiving extra funds from the Emergency Management Performance Grant. She said she would like to use some of that money to update the emergency management office’s capability to conduct and attend virtual meetings such as Zoom.

Duckworth encouraged residents to go outside and enjoy the sunshine this week.

“Get out maybe do some yard work with the kids,” she said. “Maybe stress levels will go down ... Again stay away from large groups.”