IUB grants amendment to Dakota Access Pipeline permit

Improvements to a Cambridge, Iowa, pump station will allow for an increase in oil flow

DES MOINES – The Iowa Utilities Board issued an order today granting an amendment to Dakota Access, LLC, for its hazardous liquid pipeline permit, which allows the pipeline company to proceed with improvements to its pump station in Cambridge, north of Des Moines, and related plan to increase the flow of oil from the current limit of 550,000 barrels per day to up to 1.1 million bpd.

Dakota Access filed its request for a permit amendment with the IUB Nov. 27, 2019. In January 2020, the IUB required Dakota Access to provide additional information explaining the effect of the increased flow of oil on the pipeline; an explanation of safety measures, inspections and patrols to be performed after an increase in oil flow; and whether the flow increase would lead to an increase in the amount of oil released if a spill occurred.

Based upon the information filed in the record by Dakota Access and others, the IUB granted the amendment to the pipeline permit. The IUB found that the increase in oil will not significantly increase the risk of a spill, or the amount of oil that would be spilled if an incident occurred. The IUB also found the changes to the pipeline do not change the location or affect the operation of the pipeline other than the upgrading of the pump station and increased flow of oil.

The order requires Dakota Access to file updates with the IUB regarding the approval process in other states, any damage claims by landowners, and any safety violations found by company or federal inspections. The IUB also requires Dakota Access to inform local, county, and state agencies that might have to respond to an incident to the increase in oil flow.

In the order, the IUB granted a waiver of a hearing requirement, finding that proposed changes to the pipeline will not require any new interests in property and that the only other changes will occur at the Cambridge, Iowa Pump Station, which is located on land owned by Dakota Access.

Members of the public, the Northwest Iowa Landowners Association, Sierra Club, and the Office of Consumer Advocate filed objections, responses to the Dakota Access experts, and comments addressing the requested amendment.

Today’s order also requires Dakota Access to update its information on the owners of property where the pipeline is located and send out a new informational pamphlet to the landowners with an updated telephone number for contacting Dakota Access.