Club news

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met March 18. The canasta winners were Cheri Lilly, first; Rose Blakesley, second; Mary Jane Narrigon, third.

The winner of the door prize was Linda Clark. Next meeting for cards and chatter was scheduled for March 25, with hostess Joy Seeley.

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GFWC/ Iowa Elzevir Reading Circle

GFWC/ Iowa Elzevir Reading Circle met March 13 at the home of Linda Topliff. The roll call was answered by members sharing plans for spring and spring break. Minutes were read from the February meeting with no changes. The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

An invitation was read for the GFWC/Iowa State Convention being held in Cedar Falls on April 23 and 24. Terry Ammon volunteered to write a thank you note to Chautauqua for the lovely salad luncheon celebrating their 125th anniversary that several members attended March 10.

Jean Davis was nominated to be president for the coming year by Barb Thomsen and seconded by Alice Bowers. Jean moved to retain the current secretary and treasurer officers. Mary Burg seconded and it was approved.

The meeting closed with all reciting Mary Stewart’s club collect. Barb Thomsen gave the program on Christina Hammock Koch, who was selected as an astronaut by NASA in 2014. Koch most recently served as flight engineer on the International Space Station for Expedition 59, 60, and 61, and has won numerous awards and honors. After the program, refreshments in the St. Patrick’s Day theme and visiting were served. The April 10 meeting will be held at the home of Terry Ammon with Jean Davis presenting the program.

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Creston Area Retired School Personnel Association held its meeting March 10 at Crest Ridge Estates in Creston.

Following breakfast, eleven members and five residents watched a presentation given by Creston High School speech students; junior Dalton Abildtrup, sophomore Megan Pellman, and junior Kordelia Taylor. They shared with us their state speech presentations. They reminded us how young women have made a difference in the world, how technology has negatively affected us, and how important it is that people “wonder”.

Diane Burgmaier called the meeting to order. Secretary Charlotte Roberts read the minutes of the February meeting, and they were approved. Treasurer Peg Lewis reported. Diane stated that the local club now has 27 members. IPERS was reported on. It is 83% funded currently. The state legislature will be making recommendations regarding IPERS in the near future so the issue should be followed closely.

$25 was donated by members and will be presented to CHS speech/fine arts department to defray transportation expenses.

Next meeting is scheduled for April 14, where former sheriff John Coulter will present a program on scamming.

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Greater Regional Auxiliary GIft Shop

Nancy called the March 9 meeting of the committee to order with four members present. Items discussed were Survey Monday - no results to report; vendors; Bloomingville Creative Co-Op meeting with Alisa 1 p.m. March 11. Kelli’s Gifts, 20% off truffles in March. Nancy to check into it. K&K scheduled for 1 p.m. April 6. Need to add more vendors. Next meeting is scheduled for April 13.

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Greater Regional Hospital Auxiliary Board

Greater Regional Hospital Auxiliary Board members Marcia, Martha, Betty, Jordan, Nancy, Lois, Joan, Linda, Rhonda, Luke and Monte met March 9. The agenda and minutes were approved and administrator’s and financial reports given. Monte highlighted some awards that were given to GRH: The Corning clinic was nominated for a Main Street Iowa award. GRH was one of 14 critical care hospitals in Iowa recognized as top in the nation. Mary Gross was nominated as one of Iowa’s top nurses.

Changes and additions in staff and services: Erik Larson, new podiatrist starting March 30; Adrianna Shuey, internal medicine serving in Corning and Creston, July 1; Dr. William Lee, bariatric surgeon; finalizing arrangements for hypobaric oxygen treatments for wound care.

It is projected that construction in the MAP area could be completed in around 60 days. Cardiac Rehab is moving to the rehab center. The rest of rehab plans to move the end of the month. An open house will be held later. Urgent Care, Business Health and Public Health will move to the top of the link in April. SHIIP will be moved to the Cancer Center, while Jessica moves into the SHIIP office. Patient Advocate will now be accessed in the second registration office. The Learning Center of Iowa will be centered at the south end of the GRH educational building on Highway 34. The business office will be located in their old space at Crest Ridge. Administration offices will transfer to the old business office.

Visiting specialists will be located in the old Urgent Care except for the Wolff Eye Clinic which will be located in the CVC suite. OBGYN services and Urology will be moved to the old visiting specialists’ offices. A few other offices will also be moved.

In other discussion, a membership drive will be held 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. March 13. Next meeting is scheduled for April 13. Collective goods sale is cancelled for March. Bloodmobile is set for April 20. The Nutman is scheduled for May 7 and 8.