February 21, 2025

Club news

Lincoln United 4-H

Lincoln United 4-H held their Feb. 17 meeting at 5 p.m. at the Union County Extension Office. There were six 4-H members and three clover kids present. Members discussed the March events that were scheduled, but unfortunately have now been cancelled until further notice.

Lexi Phipps gave the monthly demonstration and showed the club how to do a paint pouring project. Hosts for the meeting were Madison and Michael Smith. Michaela O'Grady from the Union County Extension office came to talk to the club about record books and provided the kids with print outs and information about how to setup their record book. Online learning activities are available for 4-H and the outreach office is staffed, but closed to the public. For more information about the online activities or 4H call the Union County Extension Office at 641-782-8426, or visit their website www.extension.iastate.edu

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Theodore J. Martens V.F.W. Post No. 1797

VFW post 1797 met March 10 at Elks in Creston. Eight members and guests were present for dinner. Commander O’Daniels called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 10 members present. The post draped the charter for Veterans Don Damewood, Bob Myers and Don Stickens. Service officers report 35 hours community service, 69 hours of hospital and 68 hours of honor guard for a total of 172 hours. 138 miles were traveled for veterans. Minutes and QM reports were read and approved.

In old business, currently 10 applicants are signed up for Honor Flights, and the next flight is scheduled for May. The State VFW is selling 100th anniversary challenge coins for $10. Proceeds to go to the centennial fund.

In new business, first call was done for new officers for 2020/21. Poppy Day was scheduled for May 23 at various places in town. Memorial Day programs are scheduled for May 25 at three cemeteries in Union County. The Armed Forces Day BBQ is scheduled for May 16 at McKinley Park. The April meeting is due to be the final call for new officers for years 2020 and 2021. In state news, The VFW convention is scheduled for June 4 through 7 at the Embassy Suites in Des Moines. A plan to have a VFW event at Three Mile Lake near Afton is planned for July 2021 to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Iowa VFW. Check with your local chapter to see if and when any events or meetings have been postponed or cancelled. Denny Abel at 641-782-0517.

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Creston Lions Club

Creston Lions Club met Tuesday evening, March 3 at Pizza Ranch. The meeting was called to order by President Derek Thompson who led in the Pledge to the Flag. The invocation was given by Stew Stewart. Gary Krauth introduced the guest speaker, Corey Carlton.

Following the dinner, Carlton, who is an officer with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, gave a presentation about the DNR. His main duties are as a game warden in Union and Ringgold Counties, and include monitoring and protecting wildlife and the environment. DNR officers are also in charge of boating regulations, snowmobiling, all hunting regulations, licensing, and also safety education including many programs for youth like teaching them how to hunt and fish. The sale of hunting and fishing licenses are the main source of revenue for the DNR. Officers are on call 24/7 every day of the year. A question and answer time closed the program.

Thompson presided over the business meeting. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were presented and approved. Jerry Katzer, chairperson of the Spud Supper, thanked Lions members for a very successful fundraiser. Club members appreciate the support of the community. Upcoming summer events were discussed.

Visit the Creston Lions Facebook page for further information regarding future meetings, postponements or cancellations.

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Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met March 11. The Canasta winners were Connie Kerrigan, first; Judy Nissen, second; and Barb Bills, third. The winner of the door prize was Connie Kerrigan. The next meeting for “card and chatter” will be March 18, and the hostess will be Judy Nissen.

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Crest Area for Life

Crest Area for Life met 7 p.m. Feb. 25 at Holy Spirit Hall. Ten members were in attendance. President Betty Baker opened up with the meeting with the right to life prayer. Terry Madison read the secretary’s report from November. Meg Crawford made a motion to accept, Rich Madison seconded and it was approved. Terry Madison gave the treasurer’s report. Rich Madison made a motion and Jeremy Rounds seconded and it was approved. Velma Rigel sent no baby letters since November. Meg Crawford gave the political report. Under old business, they discussed the memorial service held Jan 19. The club appreaciates all who spoke. Under new business, the LC Clinic banquet is scheduled for April 23 in Creston and April 30 in Stuart. Meg Crawford made a motion, seconded by Jeremy Rounds to donate to the banquet. It was approved. Jeremy Rounds made a motion, seconded by Rich Madison to adjourn.