The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is sponsoring workshops for K–12 and early childhood educators on Iowa’s outdoors this spring.
AProject WILDandAquatic WILDworkshop for teachers, naturalists and other K-12 educators is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on March 23 at the Nahant Marsh in Davenport. Learn how outdoor projects, exploration, and field investigations provide relevant learning opportunities for students that support STEM-based learning. Trainers will work with educators to incorporate activities from these resources into inquiry based learning units, and to conduct real field investigations with their students.
Growing Up WILDworkshops for early childhood educators are scheduled at three locations for 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on March 28 at the Story County Conservation Center in Ames; April 4 at Starr's Cave Nature Center in Burlington; and April 18 at Camp Autumn in Sutherland. Provide an early foundation for your students with a collection of activities written by educators and wildlife professionals and reviewed by early childhood education experts.
You must register to attend the workshops. Find links to electronic registration forms and more information on the DNR website atwww.iowadnr.gov/idnr/Conservation/For-Teachers/Projects-WILD-WILD-Aquatic.
Learn to hunt
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is offering a three part Learn to Hunt series this spring focusing on hunting turkeys. The workshops will be held at Butch Olofson shooting range, 11652 NW Nissen Dr., Polk City. Attendees may attend any or all of the workshops. A light dinner will be available at each session.
* March 19, 6-9 p.m. Learn to Hunt Turkeys: Biology and Gear (Part1 of 3). Discussion will focus on turkey hunting basics. Participants will learn about turkey behavior, turkey regulations and basic gear requirements. This class is for adults 18 years of age or older. Most of the class will be held indoors at the range.
* March 26, 6-9 p.m. Learn to Hunt Turkeys: Calling and Shotgun Patterning (Part 2 of 3). This course is recommended for those who are new to turkey hunting or would like to sharpen their skills. During this class, participants will learn about how to accurately pattern a shotgun and call turkeys effectively. Participants may bring their own shotgun for the patterning portion. Loaner shotguns are available for those who do not have one. This course is for adults 18 years of age or older.
* May 7, 6-9 p.m. Learn to Hunt Turkeys: Field Dressing, Taxidermy and Cooking (Part 3 of 3). Discussion will focus on turkey season successes and failures. Participants will learn how to field dress a bird, learn at home taxidermy tips and sample some tasty turkey breast nuggets.
To view and register for upcoming events, visithttps://www.register-ed.com/programs/iowa. For more information, contact Jamie Cook, Iowa State Coordinator, Pheasants Forever Inc., Quail Forever, at 859-779-0222. This event is made possible by Iowa DNR, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Iowa Hunter Education Instructor Association.