February 12, 2025

Club news

GFWC/IOWA Progressive Chautauqua

The 125th anniversary of GFWC/IOWA Progressive Chautauqua was celebrated with five members from each of the other two Creston federated clubs, Elzevir Reading Circle and Bancroft History Assembly, as our guests for a salad lunch. Chautauqua hostesses Peg Anderson, Judy Weese, Pat Butcher, and Sharon Booth had spring time decorations, table-settings, and members provided a variety of salads. President Carolyn Biere welcomed all of our guests in Salem Lutheran Church fellowship hall. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Sharon Booth offered the table grace.

The 12 Chautauqua members and guests welcomed three Creston High School speech students to present their competition entries they plan to perform this weekend. Alexis Ward gave a dramatic speech “Glass Castles” by Jackson Gerdes, a literary; “An Eternal Bond” describing sibling relationships; and Jacob Rutz’s musical theater entry, “If I Can’t Love Her” from Beauty and the Beast. We hope the judges at the state competition enjoyed all of them as much as we did.

Our state president and guest presented some history of the club’s origins 150 years ago and how the Federated Women have influenced history, including changes made for equal rights, voting rights, safety laws, seat belt laws, even the line marking the center of streets. Women’s roles in the world are always evolving. Ms. Hageman reported that membership is growing in Iowa. Social media is a good method to contact potential members.

The GFWC’s signature program, “Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention,” was brought to the attendees’ attention. Each of the three clubs that currently contribute to a SWCC scholarship were asked to consider designating it to SWCC’s “Success For Survivors.” It was suggested Jerrie Henderson could work with Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center next spring to determine a candidate.

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Crest Area Theatre

Crest Area Theatre held its annual meeting Jan. 4. The site of the meeting was Create Creston, 104 N. Maple St. 18 members were in attendance as the group met for Pizza Ranch pizzas and soda, provided by Linda and Jerry Huffman.

The business meeting was called to order by President Linda Huffman directly following. the agenda and minutes of the last annual meeting were approved. Treasurer Bill Mullin gave the yearly report for 2019 and was approved with CAT showing sound financial status. Members introduced themselves and stated their interests and history with live theatre.

The following slate of board officers and members at large were nominated and elected unanimously for the 2020 season: President, Linda Huffman; VP, John Calahan; Secretary, Jerry Huffman; Treasurer, Bill Mullin; Members at Large - Judy Gile, Pam Hoffman, Julia Weisshaar-Mullin, and Candy Cain.

A review of the 2019 season revealed one major production “The Music Man - Concert Version,” directed by John Calahan and performed in McKinley Park Band Shell before a large audience on June 30th. Concessions were provided by the Little Green Trailer.

It was announced that Jerry Huffman will direct “The Beverly Hillbillies” this summer. As there will be no musical this year, Mr. Huffman chose a show with a large cast of 9 men and 12 women.

Finally, the group discussed that 2020 would be a good year to offer local high school seniors college scholarships. Details were to be announced at a later date.

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Three Mile Sharp Shooters 4-H

4-H members participating in the Winter Postal Trap Shoot met March 1 at High Lakes Outdoor Alliance Shooting Range. Marc Roberg conducted the shoot, and the regular meeting of the club was held. “Rock, Paper and Scissors” was played and Lundy Sanson won a bag of candy. President Taylor Miller called the meeting and nine members were in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H pledge were led by Taron and Chaylee Needham. Attendance was taken and minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Hunter Swanson. Treasurer Sarah King gave her report with no expenses for the month and an account balance of $688.05. Club business was discussed. An update was given on the fundraiser planned for May 30 and 31. The field trip planned for Volquartsen Custom Firearms has been postponed and will be rescheduled for late spring/early summer. In new business, Hunter Swanson made a motion which was carried to donate $3 per primary club member for a total of $39 to the Count Your Clovers Iowa 4-H Foundation Campaign. Announcements were given from the March 4-H Newsletter. Members were reminded about the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training March 10. Following the adjournment of the meeting, refreshments were served by Taron and Chaylee Needham. Taron and Chaylee demonstrated their archery skills, then Tom King presented a session on rifle and pistol ammunition reloading.

The next 4-H meeting will be held 3 p.m. April 5 at the shooting range clubhouse. Sarah King will bring refreshments and give a presentation. Guest Speaker Shelly Reed will share her hobby of wildlife photography.

Students in grades 4 through 12 interested in shooting a shotgun or rifle, muzzle loading or archery may contact the Union County Extension Service at 641-782-8426 to join the Three Mile Sharp Shooters 4-H Club. All Union County 4-H Clubs are all-inclusive.

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Ladies Literary Circle

Ladies Literary Circle with 13 members present, met with hostesses Judy Woods and Vanita Moberg at the Salem Lutheran Church gathering room.  President Stephani Finley presided over the annual business meeting. Minutes of the March 6 meeting and the treasurer’s report were read and approved. President Finley appointed JoAnn Bradley chairman of the nominating committee with the election of officers by acclamation to be held the first meeting in April.

The program committee filled up the program dates for 2020-2021. Each member must update their contact information with Joanne Gibson by the next meeting, and need to notify Joanne of their book selection for next year with the mystery theme in mind.

The articles of association, bylaws and standing rules were read and discussed. Changes will be discussed and voted on at the next regular meeting.

Midge Scurlock reported that the book “Pearls of Wisdom” by Barbara Bush will be presented to Creston’s Gibson Memorial Library in memory of Dora Coen.

A motion to donate $100 to the Gibson Memorial Library and to the new art project for the Creston Arts was made and approved.

Judith Wachter reviewed “ The Schoolmaster’s Daughter” by John Smolens.

The March 20 meeting will be held at the home of Connie Rhine with “The Children of Sanchez” by Oscar Lewis being reviewed by Stephani Finley.

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Book Club

The Book Club met March 2 at the home of Ellen Findley, with seven members in attendance. A spring table was set by our hostess with veggies, cheeses and St. Patrick’s cookies. The meeting was called to order by President Pat Pokorny. Minutes were read from the February meeting with no changes. The treasurer’s report was given. A collection was again taken to benefit the library.

Pat Pokorny reviewed “Rise of the Rocket Girls” by Nathalia Holt. This book tells the stories of women who charted a course not only for the future of space exploration but also for the prospects of female scientists.

Books we read since last month were: “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah, “The Giver of Stars” by JoJo Mayes, “The Spy” by Danielle Steele, “Overcomer” by Chris Fabry, “Christmas Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella, “Leave It To Cleaver” by Victoria Hamilton, “Stalking in Conard County” by Rachel Lee, “Rediscover the Saints” by Matthew Kelly and “The Sullivans” by Bella Andre.

Club members are suggested to read “Hidden Figures” for the April 6 meeting. Hostess will be Deb Richardson and Meg Crawford will facilitate the discussion.

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Iowa TOPS No. 1338

Iowa TOPS No. 1338 Creston met March 9 at Homestead Assisted Living with 11 members. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. with the TOPS pledge and roll call. Best loser was Diana Loomis and runner-up was Jeannette Markus. Fines for last week went to the treasury. Bev Roberts gave the minutes and Alice Brown gave the treasurer’s report.

A program entitled “Help! I’m always comparing myself to everyone else” was given by Bev Roberts. Jeanette Markus will give next week’s program.

Squares contest was won by Robers and the Red Can challenge this week is “keep a log of all you eat one day and count calories.” Shellie Adams adjourned the meeting at 6 p.m. with “You Take My Hand.” Next meeting will begin at 5 p.m. with weigh-ins March 16 in the cafe.

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The weekly Kiwanis meeting was held 12:05 p.m. March 10 at Pizza Ranch with 22 members and two guests. President Bob Miller presided, Randy Ringsdorf said the prayer and Chris Lane was the finemaster.

The Annual Pancake Day fundraiser for Kiwanis will be March 31 at First United Methodist Church, 400 N. Elm St. from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets are $6 if bought before the event, day of the event cost will be $7. Members have tickets now to sell. A business may buy a book of 10 tickets for $60 to be listed as a table sponsor. This is the club’s largest fundraiser of the year. See the Kiwanis Club of Creston Facebook page for more information and ticket ordering.

The Club with be participating July 3 with the other service clubs at the BBQ Bash uptown Creston, more details to come in the future as it gets closer.

A program was given by President Jon Carroll and Lisa Miller, board member of Creston Area Little Stuff, a non-profit group helping to beautify the Creston area.