Upcoming events

Creston Eagles Monday night dinners in March

Monday night dinners at Creston Eagles in March are from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every Monday night. March 9 will feature 8 oz pollock fillets, french fries, coleslaw and hush puppies. The 16th will feature corned beef and cabbage with red potatoes.

Bingo nights (Tuesday and Thursday)

Bingo is held 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Creston restored depot meal site. If you have any questions, call Sandy at 641-782-2447.

The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month there will be Bingo at the Kellerton Community Center at 6pm. No outside drinks or food, there will be concessions available. This is fun for the whole family and children may play with a paid adult.

Free dance lessons at Chicken Inn

Learn the basics of simple two-step and move on to the waltz, polka, cha-cha and line dances. This is free to learn and you can stay for the dance after lessons. Call Charlie or Bonnie Westman at 782-4590 for questions.

Creston:Arts special announcement (March 6)

Join us at the former White Way Dairy and Huff Bakery building at the corner of North Division and West Adams streets 4 p.m. March 6 for a special announcement and exciting news. If you can not join us in person, please watch the event live on Facebook.

Corning Opera House (March 6)

The Corning Opera House welcomes Nashville duo Swearingen and Kelli who will perform an acoustic collection of classic songs from the 70s by James Taylor, Jim Croce, Carole King, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, Fleetwood Mac, Kris Kristofferson, Neil Young and more 7 p.m. March 6 at the Corning Opera House, 800 Davis Ave., Corning. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2RYkR97

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry in Afton (March 6)

6 to 7:30 p.m., March 6, Afton Community Center, 240 N. Douglas St., Afton. Fish, baked potato or fries, salad, drink and dessert will be served, free will donations accepted. Next fish fry will be April 3.

‘Spy School’ at Creston High School Auditorium (March 6 - 8)

The Creston Community High School performance of “Spy School” will premiere this weekend, 7 p.m. March 6 and 7, and 2 p.m. March 8 at the Creston High School Auditorium. Admission is $5 per person.

Genealogy workshop (March 7)

The Union County Genealogy Genealogical Society is hosting an introduction to genealogy workshop noon to 3 p.m. March 7 at Matilda Gibson Memorial Library, Genealogy Room
Alice Hoyt Veen, certified genealogist will lead the seminar. Cost is $10 for non-members, $5 for UCGS members.

Rocky Raccoon concert (March 7)

Rocky Raccoon: “A Celebration of The Beatles” features four-piece band in classic attire using vintage instruments 7 p.m. March 7 at Warren Cultural Center, 154 Public Square, Greenfield.

Second Legislative Coffee of 2020 (March 7)

The Creston Chamber of Commerce invites locals to attend the second Legislative Coffee in 2020. The Coffee will be held at the Congregate Mealsite in the Restored Depot in Uptown Creston on March 7. Representative Tom Moore and State Senator Tom Shipley are planning to attend. The Coffee will start at 8 a.m. and will last for an hour. The Coffee is free to the public. The last Legislative Coffee will take place April 11.

Bill Schafer meet and greet (March 9 and 10)

Bill Schafer candidate for US House of Representatives District 3 will hold two meet and greet sessions in Creston March 9 and 10. He will be at the Pizza Ranch 6 to 8 p.m. March 9 and Homestead Assisted Living 6 to 8 p.m. March 10.

Untapped Talent: People with disabilities in the workplace (March 10)

The Green Valley Employers’ Council of Iowa will host Claudia Schabel, president of Schabel Solutions to provide disabilities in the workplace training, noon to 1 p.m. at SWCC Instruction Center, 1501 W. Townline St., Creston. The course is free to attend, but there will be a charge for those wishing to register for a lunch. Those interested may contact Todd Oesterle at 712-309-5311 or email at: todd.oesterle@iwd.iowa.gov

Local & Exotic Matchbooks (March 11)

Join Michael Emerson Avitt, who will share his unparalleled collection of local and exotic matchbooks 6 p.m. March 11 at Gibson Memorial Library.

Union County Extension ag marketing meeting (March 11)

Union County extension will be hosting our final Ag. Marketing meeting sponsored by First National Bank 6:30 p.m., March 11 at the O’Riley center, 417 Wyoming Ave. This session will be focused on putting your knowledge and grain marketing skills to the test in a real-life market simulation. Our featured speakers are Justin Newman – Director of Producer Solutions and Brandon Barron – Trade Operations Analyst of Gavilon Grain.

Game On! at Corning Opera House (March 12)

Is the next Afternoon Delight at the Corning Opera House, 800 Davis Ave., Corning, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12. The afternoon will include a variety of games to be played such as Yahtzee, Farkle, Pitch or others. The event will have drinks and candy bars available for a donation. The public is invited to attend.

The next Afternoon Delight Series will be May 6 with Stephen Gruba telling of his adventures in Kenya. The opera house is located at 800 Davis Avenue, Corning, Iowa. For more information call Executive Director, De Heaton at 641-418-8037.

All-day presentations from Crossroads Behavioral at CHS auditorium (March 12)

Creston Community School District and Pre-K-12 Parent Partnership are hosting various presentations from Crossroads Behavioral all day from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the Creston High School Auditorium ranging from handling suicidal behavior, adolescent mental health challenges, as well as violence survival training.

Ag forum at Warren Cultural Arts in Greenfield (March 12)

Featuring various speakers including Grant Gerlock of Iowa Public Radio. Soulshine food truck opens at 5 p.m. and presentation begins at 7 p.m. Warren Cultural Center, 154 Public Square, Greenfield. www.warrenculturalcenter.com/