March 04, 2025

Club news

Iowa TOPS No. 1338

Iowa TOPS No. 1338 Creston met March 2 at Homestead Assisted Living with nine members present. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. with the TOPS pledge and roll call. Best loser was Carol Sheldahl and runner-up was a tie for second - Alice Brown and Marisue Lewis. February best loser was Jeannette Markus and second Shellie Adams. Fines went to Neoma Davis. Alice Brown gave the treasurer’s report. No minutes were given. Diana Loomis gave a program on best loser tips. One was to eat calories instead of drinking them. Eat fruit instead of juice. Drink water instead of soda and energy drinks and milk is considered food. Next week’s program will be given by Jeanette Markus. Squares contest was won by Bev Roberts. The Red Can challenge is order from the kid’s menu. Carol Sheldahl adjourned the meeting with “You Take My Hand.” Next meeting will be 5 p.m. March 9.

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Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met March 4. Canasta winners were Rose Blakesley, first, Carolyn Skarda, second, and Joan Chubick, third. The winner of the door prize was Joy Seeley. The next meeting for cards and chatter will be March 11 and the hostess will be Gwen Sandeman.

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The weekly Kiwanis meeting was March 3 at Pizza Ranch with 20 members and 1 guest in attendance. President Bob Miller presided, Ed Ritter said the prayer and Jamie Travis was the finemaster.

The Annual Pancake Day fundraiser for Kiwanis will be 11 a.m. to 7 p.m, March 31 at First United Methodist Church, 400 N. Elm St. Tickets will be $6 if bought before the event from Kiwanis members and $7 the day of the event. Members have tickets available for sale now. Any business can buy a book of 10 tickets for $60 to be listed as a table sponsor. This is the clubs largest fundraiser of the year. See the Kiwanis Club of Creston Facebook page for more information and ticket ordering.

Program was Tiffany Ossian, Director of The Learning Center of Southwest Iowa. She discussed the numerous educational programs during the school year and Summer tutoring program. The Creston Kiwanis also presented Tiffany and The Learning Center a $350 donation to help with their programming this year.

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GFWC/Iowa Progressive Chautauqua

The GFWC/IOWA Progressive Chautauqua met Feb. 25 at the home of Jerrie Henderson with Sharon Booth as co-hostess. There were six active and two life members answering roll call with, “Which year in elementary school was the most fun?” The meeting was started with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with devotions by Sharon Booth. A program was given by Pat Butcher, a 14-year retired Board of Education member, about educational issues currently facing public schools, U.S. states that still allow physical punishment to students, along with facts about the PPEL presentation March 3. The business meeting was called to order by President Carolyn Biere, the minutes of the January meeting were read by Secretary Jerrie Henderson with no changes needed, and the treasurer Linda Huffman reported that the bloodmobile quota was met, a visit with Vaughn Seckinton, and a donation was collected for CIAC. Additional information on Survivors Scholarship Fund was given with discussion to give information to the two additional Creston clubs at the March Anniversary party.

Pat Butcher and Linda Huffman reported all schools were contacted with a music camp response. A March 31 district meeting has been planned for decisions to be made. Members are encouraged to remember the scholarship fund for donations. Linda Huffman has evaluated the entries and sent them on. A change of location is noted for the March 10 anniversary party. Elzevir and Bancroft will be now invited to Salem Lutheran Church.

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Union County Genealogical Society

Union County Genealogical Society Feb. 24 at Gibson Memorial Library.

Vice President Saundra Leininger called the business meeting to order and 11 members were in attendance. A motion to approve the agenda was made and carried, including the treasurer’s report.

Minutes of the January meeting were read, and a motion to correct the spelling of Saundra’s last name was approved and the meeting minutes were corrected. Treasurer Roger Nurnberg presented the treasurer’s report.

Roger reported he had received the coffee mugs which are now available to sell, and that they are listed on the web site for purchase at $8.50 each. The book bags are on back order and should be here about the middle of March.

For correspondence Roger reported he had fulfilled a request from a member living in California. He also passed out an old photo received from a family living in Oregon who were trying to reunite the photo with unknown family members. The photo was taken years ago at a local studio in Creston.

For committee reports, Kathy Parmenter reported that a page may be added to the web site to include pictures taken by Creston photographers. Roger reported the “Join” index now appears as “Join and renew” to alleviate problems with people renewing their membership online. Members receiving newsletters by mail should check the mailing label for their date to renew membership. Those receiving the newsletter on line will automatically receive a reminder email regarding the date to renew their membership.

Saundra distributed a brochure explaining the 2020 First Saturday Seminars and programs for the 2020 monthly meetings, the extension service, boy/girl scouts organizations, and students that had received verbal invitations to attend “Introduction to Genealogy.” Motion was carried to waive the $10 seminar fee.

Saundra distributed the second brochure about Southwest Iowa Genealogy Conference scheduled April 4 at the O’Riley Center. The brochures had been mailed to various area libraries and to members not attending the monthly meetings.

For unfinished business, Roger stated he should respond to the letter he received regarding the broken tombstone at Abel Cemetery. Saundra reported that the Abel Cemetery will be the location for the First Saturday Seminar May 2. Dennis Allen will present “Headstone Cleaning and Repair.”

For new business Roger explained the library coffee group wants to purchase an automated external defibrillator for the library, but the group needs a non-profit status to apply for the grant. Motion was carried that the UCGS non-profit status can be used for the grant application. Roger is researching local resources to provide and maintain training for the AED.

The next First Saturday Seminar will be March 7 and the next monthly meeting will be March 23. The program “Native American Research” was presented by Jane Briley.

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Catholic Daughters of America

The regular meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America Court No. 428 was held Feb. 11. Mass with Father Adam Westphal was held at 6 p.m. followed by dinner of lasagna, salad, bread, and cake with ice cream served by the committee of Carolyn Downing, Barb Thompson, Barb Thomsen, and Joanne Gibson. The program was cookies for our home bound friends. 20 cookie plates were made and delivered to our members who have difficulty getting out.

The meeting was called to order, the Pledge of Allegiance and Hail Mary recited. Prayers were asked for for the sick and grieving families in our community. Cards of encouragement were sent to members. The treasurer’s report was given and approved. Minutes for the January meeting were read and approved with the addition that it was Bible trivia featured at the last meeting. It was reported that Crest Area for Life leaders from different churches spoke at the memorial service which was well attended, and that it was the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Rerun is busy and could use volunteers.

In old Business, the national conference in Dallas this July was discussed. Those members interested in attending may contact Teresa Weis for more information, and the reservation deadline is March 15.

Elaine brought pictures of the barn quilts that she has on hand and pictures were shared with the group. It was decided the bird quilt should to be donated for the STM fundraiser Feb 29. Retta is working on a basket with spring items to donate to the fundraiser as well. Items for donation may be left at her office.

In new business, Carolyn D volunteered to attend a meeting at Regency that we were invited to per proxy letter. CCW will be having their women’s conference in Atlantic March 28, with Mass offered by Bishop Joensen at 11 a.m. Registration fee is $25 and includes breakfast and lunch-tickets at the door will be $30 the day of the event.

Lenten Soup Suppers will begin March 2 with CD of A providing the soups.

Fish Fry events are scheduled by Knights of Columbus March 6 and April 3 — 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Afton Community Center and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at STM March 27. The LC Clinic fundraiser will be in the near future. Information will be published in Creston News Advertiser nearer the time. Next meeting for the group is scheduled for March 10, with 6 p.m. Mass and a program by Director David Hargrove of the Gibson Memorial Library about trains and other Union County history. A financial review about Lent projects was also discussed.

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GFWC/IOWA Bancroft History Assembly

GFWC/IOWA Bancroft History Assembly met March 2 in the D.V. Richardson Room at Greater Regional Health. Two life members and seven active members were in attendance. The minutes were approved as written and the treasurer report was placed on file for audit. Correspondence was received from Dora Coen’s family. Dora was a remember of Bancroft for sixty years. The 125th Anniversary Celebration of Creston’s three federated clubs will be 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, at Salem Lutheran Church. Attendees are asked to bring shoes for “Soles4Souls” a national GFWC project.

After the Club Collect, Beth Perry reported on Estes Park, Colorado. She emphasized three areas: Long’s Peak, Thompson River and Highway 34.

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Crest Area Theatre

The regular December membership meeting of Crest Area Theatre was held Dec. 2, 2019, on the Performing Arts Center stage. President Linda Huffman called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. After the minutes and the treasurer’s report, there was a brief discussion of security and safety concerns. It was discussed CAT board officers should follow up. Regarding community involvement, Huffman has looked into dates the club could volunteer to assist at the Food Pantry.  December 22 was the date decided upon. The CAT annual meeting date was decided and held Jan. 4 in Create Creston. As Crest Area Theatre is a charitable non-profit corporation, it was decided it is time to again offer college scholarship money to area students. In 2020, CAT will award two $250.00 scholarships to graduating high school seniors pursuing degrees in the Fine Arts. Applications for these funds will be designed and delivered to Creston area schools. The group approved a request by Jerry Huffman to produce and direct the comedy play “The Beverly Hillbillies” some time in July. He will be scheduling the Performing Arts Center for auditions, rehearsals, and production. A 2020 nomination committee for officers and “At Large” board members was appointed. That slate will be presented at the annual meeting.