September 20, 2024

Hall has high expectations for Greenfield’s new pharmacy

When Shopko Hometown announced its pharmacy in Greenfield would be closing, Rachel Hall, who has been a pharmacist in Greenfield for the last three years, sprang into action.

A native of Adair County with experience working as a pharmacist in the area, Hall knew that having a pharmacy open in Greenfield is critical for this area. Rising to the front of the line as a possible partner for her to begin another pharmacy was NuCara.

According to its website, NuCara is “passionately committed to providing diverse pharmacy and other healthcare products and services, emphasizing excellence, innovation and creativity for the benefit of our patients.”

To say Hall’s expectations for the new pharmacy — which opened inside the Adair County Memorial Hospital’s business office Feb. 12 shortly after Shopko’s pharmacy closed — are right in line with NuCara’s would be an understatement. NuCara also bought out Hammer Medical Supply, so the Greenfield pharmacy will be able to partner with other pharmacies in the area that have medical supplies such as parts for walkers, wheelchairs, and more.

“When we found out there was not anyone coming into town, we had to think and act pretty quickly to try to figure out how we could get something together for residents because we heard a lot of feedback from residents that there needed to be something in town,” Hall said. “We started looking at different people who would be interested in partnering to bring something into town and we were obviously on a really tight timeline. We’re probably one of the fastest pharmacies to get it all together in the state.”

One of the reasons the Greenfield NuCara Pharmacy got going so quickly was its temporary location, which it will reside in until a more permanent location is found, is in a healthcare facility already, meaning the facility already meets several of the criteria needed for pharmacies starting up.

“That’s thanks to the hospital for making room for us,” Hall said. The business office has temporarily relocated down the hall for awhile. Signs and yellow tape clearly mark the way to the makeshift business office. “The Board of Pharmacy came in and said they’d do [the licensing process] quickly because it’s a critical healthcare access issue. For all the staff doing what they do, [we’re thankful].”

Hall said that if anyone’s records are currently with another pharmacy and they would like to transfer them to NuCara in Greenfield, the best way for them to do that is to contact the pharmacy at 641-343-7015 and have them contact the other pharmacy on behalf of the patient. That also allows Hall and her staff to get to know new patients so there’s no guesswork with prescriptions patients may have. The pharmacy’s physical address is at 609 SE Kent, Greenfield.

“We’re still working out all the kinks but we appreciate people’s patience with it. We’re just trying to have a service in town for people who can’t go anywhere else or people who have limited transportation issues,” Hall said. “I’m from the area, I went to Nodaway Valley schools, my family lives here and it’s where we’re calling home, and we farm here. I know the people and the area and like to call it home.”