October 06, 2024

Area graduates part of award-winning ISU marching band

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The Iowa State University marching band was presented the Sudler Trophy Oct. 28.

The Sudler Trophy is awarded to college marching bands known for their current and historical excellence.

Creston natives Olivia Hartman and Jacob Hitz, as well as Lenox native Sydney Barker are members of the band.

Olivia was instructed by Mike Peters, Creston Community High School band director.

“Everything I know about marching fundamentals and musicality in a marching setting was all taught to me by Mike Peters,” she said.

Olivia was section leader for three years during her time in high school band. She was in charge of the others who played the same instrument, making sure they played together well and were performance ready.

“Leadership is something that comes with practice and through the band I was able to improve on that skill,” said Olivia.

Olivia, 19, a freshman music major, joined the ISU marching band because her parents were in the band during their time at ISU.

“They would tell me stories from when they were in the band and it peaked my interest,” said Olivia.

She plays the cymbals in the drum line. The drum line has an extra six hours or more a week of rehearsals outside of the regular marching band practice.

“Having the band receive this very prestigious award is such a great feeling. Of course, we cannot take all the credit for the award because the alumni are outstanding people and musicians and put in the same, if not more work than we did to receive the award,” said Olivia.

Olivia’s parents, Jerry and Laura Hartman are thrilled about their daughter’s band participation, as well as their alma mater’s latest award.

“We are very proud that a member of the family carries on the tradition to be a part of the band,” said Olivia’s father, Jerry. “As alumni members of the band, we could not be more excited about what they are doing at Iowa State.”

Hitz plays the tenor drums in ISU’s Storm Band.

The Storm Band is a smaller band that is meant to prepare new students for the rigors of the varsity marching band. This band plays at home games, marching through tailgaters before games and marching through the stands during the second half of games. The Storm Band is also the pep band for home wrestling meets.

“Being a part of the marching band program here is an incredible honor. We have a lot of fun, and we get a ton of support from the university,” Hitz said.

There are other ISU students from the area who participate in the marching band. Nadia Somers, a freshman music education major from Atlantic says being a part of the Cyclone marching band has been a rewarding experience.

Somers, who plays the mellophone in the marching band, has learned better ways to manage time between school, work, band rehearsals, and games because she involved herself in the band.

“It is a large time commitment, but I’d encourage everyone interested to try it out,” said Somers.

She enjoys the traditions that she has been able to be a part of in the band.

“It’s great to be in a group where everyone is eager for rehearsal every day and hungry for success. There are lots of unique traditions within sections and the band as a whole that add character and get people excited for upcoming events,” said Somers.