Iowa Poetry Association to release poetry by Iowans

The Iowa Poetry Association will soon release the 72nd edition of “Lyrical lowa,” the annual anthology comprised of poems by Iowa writers of all ages. According to Editor Marilyn Baszczynski, the present volume contains 341 poems chosen from 2,026 entries in their contest held earlier this year. Entries came from 68 of Iowa’s 99 counties, sent by persons ranging in age from kindergartners to near-centenarians in more than 100 cities and towns. Joan Jessen Waske of Afton had an entry chosen for the book.

Besides those awarded cash prizes for top-ranking poems in each category and age-level, many others are showcased in this bound 175-page book with a full-color cover. The nonprofit organization’s stated purpose is “to promote interest in and appreciation of poetry among Iowans” and to encourage and improve the art of self-expression through verse of varied genres. The Iowa Poetry Association has more than 350 members across the state, but membership is not a requirement for having poetry included in the anthology.

From a first grader’s traffic image of a dragon spitting time to a winning adult poem painting the unhurried pace of the sun, each shares a unique facet of our human experience. Readers can easily identify with emotions evoked by experiences ranging from grief and loss to light-hearted fun-poking. Other poets use their writing as a vehicle of engagement, inviting readers to journey with them.

For the Lyrical Iowa Competition 2018, entries may be sent Jan. 1 through Feb. 28, 2018. Consult the complete contest rules for adult, college, high school and grade school entries on the website at A direct mailing is being sent to public and private schools and public libraries across the state. There is no entry fee and modest cash prizes are offered.

While the supply lasts, books may be ordered from the editor. Cost is $10 per copy, postpaid, to anywhere in the United States. Books from some previous years are also available.