supper (Feb. 28)
Support Creston Area Rescue Efforts. A spaghetti dinner with salad and desert and silent auction with items donated by local businesses and CARE supporters will be held 6 p.m. Feb 28 at the Eagles Club, 300 E. Montgomery St. All money from this event helps CARE pay for spay and neuter surgeries. $8.00/plate
St. Malachy School Gala and Auction (Feb. 29)
Join us for a fun evening supporting St. Malachy School Feb. 29 at the Supertel, 800 Laurel St. Cocktail hour starts at 5 p.m. followed by a prime rib dinner at 6 p.m. Live and silent auctions will be at 7 p.m. We will also have special music guest Dustin Baird playing that evening as well. Tickets will be available at St. Malachy School and via Select auction items will open up one week prior to the live auction for bidding online. You can purchase tickets and preview auction.
Chili Cook-off (Feb. 29)
Joyful Sparks Preschool in Afton is hosting it’s 2nd annual Chili Cookoff Saturday, February 29 in The Fellowship hall of Afton’s Methodist Church. To compete, bring your chili at 5 p.m. To be a taster and vote, arrive at 6 p.m. There will be chili with all the fixings and homemade cinnamon rolls.
Adult Spelling Bee (Feb. 29)
Southwestern Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa Chapter, Beta Eta Nu, invites you to compete in their Adult Spelling Bee, 7 p.m., Feb. 29 at A&G Restaurant and Lounge, 211 W. Adams Street in Creston. Prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded. The entry fee is $15 per contestant, and contestants must be 18 or older to participate. Contact Kelly Marcus Proceeds from this event fund student attendance at future PTK conferences.
Holy Spirit Social Concerns Committee (March 1)
The Holy Spirit Social Concerns Committee will be helping the Creston Area Food Pantry, 417 Wyoming Ave. in Creston Sunday, March 1. Volunteers are needed to help from noon to 2 p.m. Those interested in volunteering may contact Mark O’Riley 641-344-1159.
Tax presentation (March 4)
Justin Cole, financial advisor, will be presenting a seminar on the Secure Act, saving for retirement, and tax-advantaged and tax-free investments 2 p.m. March 4 at Gibson Memorial Library.
special announcement (March 6)
Join us at the former White Way Dairy and Huff Bakery building at the corner of North Division and West Adams streets 4 p.m. March 6 for a special announcement and exciting news. If you can not join us in person, please watch the event live on Facebook.
Corning Opera House (March 6)
The Corning Opera House welcomes Nashville duo Swearingen and Kelli who will perform an acoustic collection of classic songs from the 70s by James Taylor, Jim Croce, Carole King, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, Fleetwood Mac, Kris Kristofferson, Neil Young and more 7 p.m. March 6 at the Corning Opera House, 800 Davis Ave., Corning. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. For more information, visit
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry in Afton (March 6)
6 to 7:30 p.m., March 6, Afton Community Center, 240 N. Douglas St., Afton. Fish, baked potato or fries, salad, drink and dessert will be served, free will donations accepted. Next fish fry will be April 3.
workshop (March 7)
The Union County Genealogy Genealogical Society is hosting an introduction to genealogy workshop noon to 3 p.m. March 7 at Matilda Gibson Memorial Library, Genealogy Room
Alice Hoyt Veen, certified genealogist will lead the seminar. Cost is $10 for non-members, $5 for UCGS members.
Rocky Raccoon concert (March 7)
Rocky Raccoon: “A Celebration of The Beatles” features four-piece band in classic attire using vintage instruments 7 p.m. March 7 at Warren Cultural Center, 154 Public Square, Greenfield.
Untapped Talent: People with disabilities in the workplace (March 10)
The Green Valley Employers’ Council of Iowa will host Claudia Schabel, president of Schabel Solutions to provide disabilities in the workplace training, noon to 1 p.m. at SWCC Instruction Center, 1501 W. Townline St., Creston. The course is free to attend, but there will be a charge for those wishing to register for a lunch. Those interested may contact Todd Oesterle at 712-309-5311 or email at:
Local & Exotic Matchbooks (March 11)
Join Michael Emerson Avitt, who will share his unparalleled collection of local and exotic matchbooks 6 p.m. March 11 at Gibson Memorial Library.
Legislative coffee (March 14)
The Creston Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Legislative Coffee 8 a.m. March 14 at the congregate mealsite in the restored depot. Representative Tom Moore and State Senator Tom Shipley will discuss the status of legislation currently in the Iowa House of Representatives and Iowa State Senate.
Adult winter reading program (April)
April begins a new adult reading program “Mystery Month” which runs April 1 through 30. Adult readers will read four mysteries of any genre located in the young adults and adult fiction sections. All books must be checked out from the library in April. More details are posted on the Gibson Memorial Facebook page.