January 01, 2025

School board continues with security and safety project

Creston Community School District moves forward with the safety and security project after their regular meeting Monday night in the board room of the administration building.

The board held the required public meeting and had zero questions or complaints submitted or delivered by anyone in attendance. As such, the district will begin accepting bids 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25.

“We did have vendors come and meet with us last week for an on-site visit,” said CCSD Superintended Deron Stender. “We are blazing a trail here. We are pioneers in what we are trying to do with the project.”

A special board meeting will be held in order to approve and award the construction contract to the lowest, responsible bidder 6 p.m. March 2 in the administrative building.

In other school board news, the board:

• observed SAC reports given by language arts instructors in the district. The presenters highlighted the standards being taught at each age group and the board discussed different ways to achieve the desired results on student assessments.

• set 6 p.m. March 23 as the time and date for the public hearing to approve the proposed 2020-21 district calendar.

• set 6 p.m. April 6 as the date and time for the public hearing on the districts 2020-21 budget proposal.

• approved the purchase of handheld radios from Electronic Engineer, a company Union County has worked with in the development of their emergency management systems. The systemic purchase totaled $37,935.07 and was funded by PPEL and the 2021 budget.

• approved an agreement with Iowa Construction Advocate Team to conduct a comprehensive facilities management and review plan. The comprehensive study totals $12,5000 and can be expended rom SAVE.

• approved the purchase of a 2020 Dodge Caravan from M&M Motors. The trade in costs $22,182 and will be suppported by PPEL funds. The bid was selected over a bid from Stew Hansen Dodge City, with board member Sharon Snodgrass saying she was “glad we can do it local.”

• approved the purchase of a bus from Truck Center Companies for the 2020-21 school year. The bus will be purchased after July and will cost $96,136. Bids were received from School Bus Sales and Hoagland Bus as well.

The next regular board meeting will be 6 p.m. March 23 in the administration building. The date is a week later than normal due to spring break.