Union County spring schedule for commercial pesticide application training courses

Union County will host the following continuing instruction courses for commercial pesticide applicators. The programs will be shown initially at locations across Iowa through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Pesticide Safety Education Program. Reshows are based on individual county office availability.

• February 19 – Seed Treatment (4, 10)*

• February 20 (RESHOW) – Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, Plant Disease (1A, 1B, 1C, 10)*

• March 4 – Ornamental and Turf Grass (3O, 3T, 3OT, 10)

• March 11 – Certified Handlers

The local attendance site is Union County Extension Office, 500 E. Taylor St., Creston. Registration begins at 8:45 a.m., and the courses run from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Registration fee is $35 on or before date of showing and $45 after. To register or to obtain additional information about the registration fees or CIC, contact Sandy Seals at the ISU Extension and Outreach office in Union County by phoning 641-782-8426.