‘You’re gonna need to get bigger tractors’

President Trump closes down Forest Avenue in Des Moines as rally fills beyond capacity

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President Donald Trump held a campaign rally Thursday night at the Knapp Center on the Drake University campus in Des Moines.

Maximum capacity

Doors opened and the event quickly met the maximum capacity of 7,200 people. The Des Moines Fire Marshall said no more citizens or members of the press would be able to enter the venue. In preparation for a scenario like this, the Trump campaign utilized a large jumbo screen that displayed a live feed of the rally to hundreds of supporters and protesters lining Forest Avenue, which was closed for the event.

Supporters decked out in costumes and red hats walked the area, purchasing Trump merchandise from vendors and observing a life-sized LEGO statue of the president.

The campaign staff said they were concerned about potential conflict between Trump supporters and the various protesters. To deter any sort of escalation, the loud speaker delivered a message to anyone within earshot.

“This is a private event paid for and hosted by Donald J. Trump For President and you came to hear the president,” the intercom said. “To accommodate the right to free speech and peaceful assembly while assuring an orderly rally, we have provided a safe, secure area outside the venue for all protesters. We ask anyone intending to demonstrate to please exit to that secure area.”

The message continued to advise listeners on what to do in an instance that could lead to conflict.

“Despite this accommodation, some individuals may seek to interrupt our patriotic event and President Trump needs your help maintaining a peaceful atmosphere at all times,” the intercom said. “If a protest starts near you, don’t in any way touch or harm a protester. Please notify law enforcement officers of the location of the protester by holding a rally sign over your head and chanting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’.”

The demonstrations took place in a Drake University parking lot just off of Forest Avenue. Around 200 protesters held signs and belted out chants while huddling around an inflatable of Trump designed to look like a chicken.

While much of the protests were pointed against the President as a whole, one group of people equipped with signs and e-cigarettes arrived to protest the recent increase in the smoking age as well as the on-going debate over the legality of vaping products.

Warming the crowd

As the remaining hundreds accepted that they would not be entering the Knapp Center, the street began to look like an ocean of red. Hundreds crowded near the jumbo screen and sang along to the mix of old rock the campaign played throughout the night.

Different guest speakers, including Iowa Speaker of the House Pat Grassley and Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann. Following their speeches, Vice President Mike Pence took the stage to warm the audience for the president. Pence said Trump is a president that cares the most about the freedoms of the people and defending them from terror.

“It was last month when one American life was lost at the hand of Iranian backed militias,” said Pence. “It was President Trump that launched the first air strike against those militias in ten years.”

Pence touted other Trump successes, such as the passage of the USMCA and the ongoing process of the southern border wall.

“Oh, we’re building it,” said Pence. “And the first hundred miles are already done.”

Make way for 45

At 7 p.m. Forest Avenue erupted with cheers, applause and chants as “Proud To Be an American” played and Trump took the stage to address the state of Iowa.

“I’ve worked so hard for this state,” said Trump.

Trump opened his speech touting the trade deals accomplished by his administration.

“Oh, you just got two of the trading deals,” said Trump. “USMCA is all done. China is all done, for the farmers it’s done, that I can tell you. You’re gonna need to get bigger tractors and a hell of a lot more land.”

Trump didn’t shy away from the topic of impeachment. While the president was addressing the crowd, the U.S. Senate was holding the final day of questioning in the trial and before a vote on whether or not to allow witnesses.

“We are having probably the best years that we have ever had in the history of our country,” said Trump. “And I just got impeached. Can you believe these people? I got impeached. They impeached Trump. No, that’s not gonna work. Watch. Just watch.”

While the other speakers had referenced Democratic nominees by name, Pat Grassley had said earlier in the night he would leave that ‘to the president.’ Trump particularly had words on former Vice President Joe Biden, mocking him for misspeaking and referring to Iowa as another state’s name, and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who Trump referred to as a ‘radical socialist.’

“What are you gonna do, vote for Bernie?” Trump said, continuing to state his disgust with the Green New Deal, claiming the bill wants to kill Iowan cattle. Trump said he had an easier alternative for Iowa voters.

“Look, I can make this real easy,” Trump said. “Hello, Iowa. You have no choice. You have to vote for me. Otherwise everything you’ve built in your entire life will be gone. Goodbye, Iowa. Instead, I work my ass off up here! You think this is easy?”