Wind farming ordinance up for public hearing

The Union County Board of Supervisors continued to discuss the proposed ordinance for wind farms in Union County at its regular meeting Monday.

Union County Attorney Tim Kenyon presented the proposal for a public hearing, outlining the board’s reasoning for the ordinance and its desire to establish “fair and reasonable limitations” on wind energy farming in order to provide opportunity for economic growth while protecting the interests of county residents.

The proposal includes setbacks of 1,500 feet from non-participating land owners, 1250 feet from participating land owners and up to one mile from designated public areas.” The ten-page ordinance is available in its entirety on the county website,

The board discussed the value of having the decommisioning plan and the road use agreement on hand during the public hearings. Roger Vicker noted that the public may have questions about the dwecommisioning plan. The board agreed to have the documents available.

Zach Gunsolley, Union County engineer, asked for a change in the language of the road use agreement to reflect previous discussions. Gunsolley and Kenyon worked out phrasing to require that permits be brought before the board for approval after being examined by the county engineer.

The first of three required public readings of the ordinance will be at 10 a.m. March 18 in the boardroom at the Union County courthouse. The second hearing will be 6:30 p.m March 21 in the court room. The third hearing will be scheduled after the second hearing or may be waived by the board.