April 24, 2024

The problem with automated phone systems

From Jim Stalker


I’ve about had it with automated phone systems. Without going into the push this push that frustrations, I’d just like to make one suggestion. I can’t believe you are so busy that you can’t answer the phone and “click” the right person if you have to, but you do it, not me. I realize some of you people would like to think you’re too sophisticated to talk one on one with a real person, but not all of us customers are or even want to be on that level. So, let’s practice!

Pretend I’m the person calling and you’re the person on the other end of the line. Line? That’s a term we oldsters use to explain how the signals are sent. You would use the term “cyber-space” meaning you don’t really care how you get to talk or text, how the signal is passed is not one of your concerns. So here we go: Ring-ring, you say “Hello” or “good afternoon” or use the name of your business. I return my comment with some greeting. Then you ask how you can direct me. At some point, you might interject with a comment like “one moment please” or “I’ll connect you.” At this point, I get to conduct my business with the person at the other end of the line.

This whole process might have taken only a few seconds, maybe a minute. When the efficiency experts in upper management look over the work records of the CNA and try to find the cracks and crannies to improve their business, I’m sure they’ll think this automated system is the “cat’s meow.” But for at least one of their customers, myself, it’s a waste of my time, when a direct call would have taken far less time for both of us.