April 18, 2024

Club news

Super 8 Club

Super 8 Club met June 19 at the Regency Park club room with Mary Brown as hostess.

An afternoon was spent playing 10-point pitch. Winners were Cindy, high; Irene, second; and Joan Green, low.

Mary served coffee and cookies.

The next meeting will be July 17 with Lottie Riley as hostess.

Crest Area for Life

Crest Area for Life met 7:30 p.m. June 24 at Holy Spirit hall. President Betty Baker opened up the meeting with the right to life prayer. Seven members were in attendance.

Secretary Terry Madison read the minutes from the April and May meeting. They were approved.

In absence of the treasurer, Betty Baker gave the treasurer’s report. It was approved.

Velma Riegel sent out 11 baby congratulatory cards.

Meg Crawford gave a political report.

Under old business, there was discussion on opening of a pregnancy counseling center in Creston.

Under new business, there was discussion on being in the Fourth of July parade, Union County parade July 20 and Lenox parade July 23.

The next meeting will be 7:30 p.m. Aug. 26 at Holy Spirit hall.

Terry Madison made a motion, seconded by Velma Riegel to adjourn.

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met June 25.

Canasta winners were Mary Kline, first; Rose Blakesley, second; and Barb Veitz, third.

Loretta Kelly won the door prize.

Carol Harrison will be hostess for cards and chatter July 9.

P.E.O. Chapter AZ

The regular business meeting of P.E.O. Chapter AZ was held June 17 in the home of Cheryl Wilson with Christy Whited serving as co-hostess. Thirteen members attended.

Miss Spencer’s Tea Room event with Chapter LG will be held July 15.

A memorial service was held for Elizabeth Custer.

President Connie Purdum reported on the annual 122nd convention which was held May 31 through June 1 in Des Moines. There are 387 chapters throughout the state.

Iowa Alpha Sigma Master

Iowa Alpha Sigma Master Chapter No. 1632 met 11 a.m. June 26 at TJ’s in Afton for a social.

After eating their meals, the members adjourned to the park for their meeting. President Marilyn Larimore called the 82nd meeting to order with all members repeating the opening ritual in unison. Roll call was answered by members telling if they had observed Flag Day.

Minutes of the June 12 meeting were read and approved as read. International reported the pins are on their way.

Treasurer Pat Fils gave her report. No bills were received.

There was no new business or old business.

Each hostess will decide on the time for their meeting and will notify the members.

Committee reported the July 24 meeting will be with spouses and will be at 6:30 p.m. Bev Miller gave the menu for the meeting.

Service – none.

Program – Loretta Kelly will be the hostess July 10 with Dorothy Eyberg giving the program.

It was noted Martha McAuley will have a birthday July 12.

Marilyn Larimore has a copy of the yardstick to fill out for the year.

Dorothy Eyberg read Article VIII on Area Conventions from the gray book.

It was reported that no one had attended state convention this year.

Meeting adjourned and members repeated the closing ritual then joined hands for the Mizpah.

Bev Miller gave the program on flags.


The weekly Kiwanis meeting was held 12:05 p.m. Tuesday at The Windrow with 24 members and two guests. Chris Frederickson, president, presided. Jane Lowe did the prayer, and Joe Powers was finemaster.

The program was Carl Watson, a Level 5 cowboy mounted shooter, and Creston Shooter Bruce Travis. They discussed the newer sport of cowboy shooting and wrangler horse riding events. One will be held Saturday at the Jamie Travis farm. There is also going to be a competition held at the Iowa State Fair for the first time this year.